Monday, June 2, 2014


I’m scared     I see Saturn crashing
horizon bending     rings sending butterflies
out the newfound lips of road
and everything black and white
I find myself over the lights of the city
tightrope walking between sky-

scrapers    between crumbs of blueberry sky
I never felt so music     never felt crashing
into sound   the way body and city
collide naturally    I never felt butterflies
exit my mouth     never truly felt white
light until this night on the road

in the sky     in the city     on the road
wheels fly like beads into the sky
and I crash     black into white
right into headlights     right into Saturn crashing
to the ground     my lungs are butterflies
fluttering     heart murmuring     the muttering city

exhales me     I am no longer in the city
no longer attached to the road
gravity has fallen asleep     the butterflies
have vacated my stomach in search for the sky
and I     am sound    crashing
into the quivering moon     her white

dusty lips kiss me goodnight    white
summer kiss above the city
I shed my body     hear the distant crashing
two worlds converge on a narrow road
and I     I took my time in the sky
atoms scattering like butterflies

like roaring waves of butterflies
the warmest shade of white
shattered Saturn glides the naked sky
dissipating white     the city
sighs     urban breath uncaring     the road
swallows everything whole     I am crashing

the sky’s  receding     I am crashing
in a car on a city road
and all I see are white butterflies butterflies butterflies

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